Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ayurvedic Ways To Drink Water For Good Health

Consuming enough water every day is essential for supporting all bodily functions, including digestion and metabolism,getting rid of waste, maintaining a normal body temperature, and keeping organs and tissues healthy.

Drink Water After Wake up

One of the main indicators of fatigue and tiredness is you are dehydrated. Without anything to consume after a long period,the first thing you ingest in the morning can be a shock to the body.
If that first thing is water, it will get your body work-ready and can boost your alertness and low energy levels
Remember that, if you don’t stay hydrated, your physical performance can suffer. Give the water a shot, instead of coffee or tea to kick start your day.

Drink one glass of water after you wake up , this fires up your metabolism and helps your body flush out toxins.

Drink lukewarm water instead of cold water

Drinking warm water helps in digestion and blood circulation,overall assist your body in getting rid of toxins faster ,where as cold water freezes the enzymes and fluids in your gut so your body can’t properly digest food, which creates toxic buildup.
The body has a core temperature of around 98.6°F and Ayurvedic practitioners reason that the body needs to expend additional energy to restore this temperature after drinking cold water.

Drink Water Before/After a meal

Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before your meal , this helps digestion. Do not drink water too soon before or after meal as this will dilute the digestive juices.
Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients.

Drink Water Before Bath

Drinking a glass of water before taking a bath helps lower blood pressure.

Avoid Chugging All the Water at Once

Avoid gulping down large volumes of water in a single breath, rather take smaller sip, swallow,
breathe and repeat throughout the day. This holds true while having your meals too. According to Ayurvedic expert

Drink only When You are Thirsty

Your body sends signals to you when it is in dire need of water. Ayurveda emphasizes on drinking water only when you feel thirsty.Every person has a different body, hence, drinking the same amount of water cannot be recommended to everybody.
The body cannot absorb too much water intake; therefore it is imperative to know the thirst cues your body gives you.Measure your own drinking system without feeling too full.

Drink When You’re Tired

Tiredness and fatigue are some of the most common signs of dehydration. Drink enough water when you feel tired.

Never drink water standing u

We all have the habit of getting home and drinking water right away, often standing.This may come as a greater shock to you if you have been in a practice of drinking water in a standing position,
for you may well be affected by arthritis later in life. By drinking water standing you disrupt the balance of fluids in the body,and this often leads to a greater accumulation of fluids in the joints thus triggering arthritis.

Drink Water in Silver and Copper Vessels

Ayurveda has always suggested drinking water stored in copper (tamba) and silver (chaandi) vessels.
The water stored in these vessels has the ability to balance all three doshas in the body and it does by positively charging the water.

Drink Before Bed

Drink one glass of water an hour before bedtime to replenish any fluid loss that can occur during the night.

Thanks for reading and Stay Healthy.....

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Home remedy for cough, cold and allergy - cures cough in a day

Betel Leaf and Celery Seed for cough

This home remedy is very useful for your cough , cold and any allergy. Some people suffers from cold ,some people have a dust allergy, they immediate gets caught with cough
and cold. This types of ailment can be treated naturally by using this remedy.This makes the cough thin and cough cures in one day and allergy cures in 4-5 days.


Betel Leaf :

Betel Leaf for cough cold and allergy

Betel leaf contains vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and carotene and a great source of calcium.

Celery Seed :

Celery Seed for cough

Celery Seed is good source of calcium,Iron,Carotene.


  1. Take one clean Betel Leaf and cut its leaf stalk.
    Betel Leaf and Celery Seed for cough   
  2. Take one spoon Celery Seed.
    Betel Leaf and Celery Seed for cough
  3. Put one spoon Celery Seed on Betel Leaf.
    Betel Leaf and Celery Seed for cough
  4. Fold the Betel Leaf
    Betel Leaf and Celery Seed for cough
  5. Slowly chew folded betel leaf and slowly swallow the liquid

This process cures the throat infection and cures the cough. Follow this process after meal and do not eat or drink anything for 1-2 hours. Cough cures after 1-2 days and allergy cures in 4-5 days.

Thanks for reading and Stay Healthy.....